Corporate Civil Liability (CCL)

This contract guarantees the financial consequences of the insured party’s civil liability with regard to damage to third parties while completing contracted work.  

Who needs CCL?

All managers:

Legal managers: persons physically invested with

  • management or representational functions, or
  • monitoring and surveillance functions.


Employees who carry out management or managerial activities independently without having been officially recognized as a manager.

What are we liable for?

Civil Risk

  • Some errors can be attributed to managers personally if they cause damage to a third party (company management error, statute violation…), in the case of folding companies or legal redress (accumulation of liabilities),
  • Infractions of legal and regulatory clauses (failure to establish annual accounts, lack of obligatory mention in the statutes…).

Penal Risk

  • he manager is responsible for applying legal regulations correctly within the company. Penal sanction cannot be insured; however, the CCL contract covers the manager’s expenses on his or her defense.
  • All physical persons and legal entities having suffered damages following a managerial decision may file a complaint.